Sunday, January 30, 2022

Bloodless Sunday

The song of the day comes from Willie Nile, Little Light.

I not spend my weekend with Eddie Cochran.

I did some reading of the news. I started the Celine and Genet books I got from Bracken Library. I wrote a couple of paragraphs for "Colonel Tom" that have been in my head during work. I revised 5 more pages in the story I started working on last week. I need to get back into the groove of working even if I do not have the laptop. Meanwhile, I am missing open submission to magazine after magazine. I posted The Orthodox Christian Church to the blog. I listened to The Clash's Sandinista! album for the first time in almost 40 years. I forgot I liked this song. Strange how much I still share the feeling of being restricted by my skin. Maybe I can still do something useful with my life beyond justifying the salaries of government functionaries. Only when I walked to McClure's for a bottle of Coke did I leave the room. I ate. I showered. Now I am going to sleep. Five in the morning comes early. 


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