Wednesday, December 29, 2021

What Else Could Go Wrong?

I overslept this morning. I was to go to the Sheriff's this morning along with a bunch of other stuff. With the pain in my hands and the coughing, I just did not want to move. The sky was gray and the forecast was for rain.

Then I got a call from work. It was after 9 AM. They wanted to know if I was coming. I did not think I could get dressed let alone walk to work. Then, too, there was the sheriff's needing attending to. I said I had worked yesterday and was close to 35 hours for the week. They rang off. I looked at the schedule. I was scheduled to work today and not yesterday. I called back, apologized, and asked if I worked yesterday on my day off who was to have worked yesterday? I did not go to work.

Nor did I do much except to call the nursing home that had contacted me last week. No callback from them today, so that is one less job opportunity. I watched Doctor Who reruns on BBC America. I ate a little lunch. I could not muster the energy for reading or doing my laundry. I did manage to shower. The aspirin kicked in enough to get me outdoors to meet the 12:45 bus. It was raining.

Having an hour and a half, I went to the bank to change my address. About a week ago it crossed my mind that I had not been getting my bank statements. I have mentioned before how the Volunteers of America failed in getting to me mail regarding my applications for food stamps and SSI. (You will find these posts here.) Now I know they did not inform me about my bank statements.

I spent the rest of my time chatting with an attorney I know. It kept me out of the rain.

Out at the Delaware County Courthouse, I sat in on a jury selection (as tedious to watch as to do) and read some articles online. I also decided to eat out.

I ordered pizza. Doctor Who kept me company while I downed a medium pizza. Guess I was rather hungry.

Then things started getting weird. The rain having stopped, I decided to walk down to McClure's for some Coca-Cola. When I went to pay I found out my debit card had been left in my room. So I go back to the room and then back for my sodas.

Comfortable in my room, starting to read Djuna Barnes, when there was a knock on my door. Anyone reading these notes should know I do not get many visitors. Outside was a very tall and rather big black woman. I had left my key in the door and she wanted to let me know this and then if she could use my phone. I admit if I were 20 years younger and she 80 pounds lighter, she might have been a more welcome sight. Then she wanted to use my phone. I was torn between being obligated to her for letting me know about the key and not wanting a person bigger than me in my room. I told her my phone did not have enough charge. Her phone was at 1%. She asked about the room phone. I let her use it. I heard it would take an hour for her ride. This I did not like at all. She wanted to charge her phone. I had been standing in the doorway and stayed there as she charged her phone. I told her about being in prison and not comfortable being around people. She got her phone up to 10% and I said she needed to go. Such was the limit of my charity. She did go quietly.

I went back to my novel and Doctor Who and music on YouTube. My hand is numb, the time is past midnight and so I finish.


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