Friday, December 24, 2021

No Internet This Morning

Wednesday night, I took the bus to work and walked home last night from work. I forgot my debit card, so no taxi. That I did not work alone was no help this morning. I overslept this morning.

I should have made some calls. The internet was out. Which worked with my lack of desire to make calls.

I read Dos Passos. I went to McClure's for Coca-Cola. I wrote two posts before starting this one. Now  I need leave for work.

Work was work. The new shoes are a help. But I am tired and not ready to write up a night almost fatal to me.

And now it us Friday afternoon. Not much done this morning aside from paying my weekly rent (I must jinx their credit card machine - last week they put in two dollars and today it would not work at first), and getting more milk and change to do my laundry, ate, and before all that I skimmed Google News.

I should explain how I almost killed myself last night at work. See, someone did not pick up their dinner. These dinners were offered to me and the other dish runner. We were not about to turn down ribeye steaks. These meals came in styrofoam, no knives could be used. But the steaks were so tender, all we needed to was bite into the steaks. Yes, they are that tender. Now I am lacking molars. I am supposed to supposed wear my false teeth so I do not swallow a barely masticated hunk of beef. Which I did. There I had steak stuck in my throat, trying to get it back up or to go down, while wheezing and wheezing as what is left of my COPD lungs were running out of air. I was going to ask the other runner for help when I finally got a lump of meat into my mouth then into my hand. I put it back and chewed more carefully. This time it went down with more ease. Although I noticed my throat was a little sore. The rest of the steak was eaten more slowly, with more chewing.

On the way home, I got a text from my sister. She announced her departure for this morning. The invasion of Canada began today.

I got thinking last night after disgorging that piece of steak about what would be the song of the day. Nothing seemed spot on.

I started with how I was now following Graham Parker's advice on dating. But who cares about my dating life but the government? I thought Waylon hit my attitude, but it was so very much about him that I felt guilty highjacking the song for myself. I have always liked The Rainmakers' Downstream except it just didn't fit for my songs of the day thanks to being fun. Born Under a Bad Sign fails because I have created my own bad luck. Considering my struggles with eating steak, I thought Jerry Lee Lewis was the answer so long as I did not think on how I was making a joke that my readers might find in bad taste. I would have liked David Bowie except for my being the villain in the story. My favorite Who song is where I ought have stopped, but I did not. The Beach Boys gave me an idea with a negative connotation - even though I am as close to home as I will be getting. Something more political seemed appropriate and that lead me to The Clash for I think their song with the line about limousines even more relevant for today's American politics. That felt too narrow. Then this Lou Reed song came to mind as being closet to my mindset, but that led me to a cover of that same song. What gripes me about rock radio with its classical rock format is how it stunts us, its listeners, by sealing us into the equivalent of an emotional amber. They ignore "classic" artists who continue creating music so that we do not challenge the narcotizing effect of its format. Therefore, I close with Bob Seger.

My laptop is in Daleville. My sister never heard back from my PO. That is how he told me it would be - no approval until after the first of the year.

Off to work now for four hours.


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