Wednesday, December 22, 2021

F. Scott Fitzgerald Died This Date

Fitzgerald died not today but back on December 22, 1940. I started re-reading him in prison. I had forgotten how good of a writer he is. See what good came from your tax dollars?

I did not get my phone calls made as planned. I did get one about my SSI application.

Another call came from my sister. She plans on invading Canada this month. I did not mention how earlier American invasions had fared.
After all, she promised to take me to the grocery.

While waiting for her, I got cleaned up and did some posting and read a little of Dos Passos and started sorting out my manuscripts. I was working on the papers when she arrived.

She brought what remains of my books:
That is what my room looked like after we emptied her car.

Then we went to Aldi's for groceries. On the way we saw CC, and my sister agreed there was a big change. We kept going. Seeing CC now just scares me - it is like seeing a ghost.

From Aldi's, we went to Meijer's for new shoes. Then she dropped me off st my room.

I ate some of the groceries before cleaning and organizing my books. I have plenty to read now. I went back to reading Dos Passos until I started writing this post.

I do not really have s song today unless it be this one, what was my song for 2020.


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