Wednesday, November 10, 2021

What This Wednesday Wrought

Nothing really.

Two potential employers took a look at my application. I spent part of an hour job hunting. I dropped Applebee's - no sense spending the time on a company that will not like my felonious past.

I spoke with a lawyer about dad's trust. I handed over my research of yesterday. I spent a bit too long just gabbing.

 I get  did get my laundry done and checked my bank accounts. I have clean clothes until next week night and enough money to keep me here for two more weeks. I call this facts the highpoint of my day.

I got some broasted chicken while doing my laundry. That was another highlight.

I got nothing out of contacting the IRS via its website. Tomorrow I will see if anything can be done by phone. I called T and he has not called me back. I get that money and all would be smooth as silk.

I spent way too long applying for an apartment that I do not see me getting. That felonious past, again.

I started John Dos Passos's The Big Money.  Now I am ready to take my villainous self to bed.

Nothing from my PO about my refund.

But first some music that hit home tonight, a song I never liked from The Beatles:


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