Friday, November 12, 2021

Wasted Day

 I ran into nothing but problems today.

The biggest came last. I cannot use my phone for publishing my play on Amazon's Kindle. So much for the phone being just like a computer. A problem that would not be a problem if I had not broken the laptop. The want of a nail and all that jazz. Taking into consideration how my upcoming meeting with the sex offender counselor may mean the end of my internet access this will mean publishing the play - as well as this blog - goes by the wayside. I suspect my successfully completing the counseling will be judged subjectively by the counselor who has told me three times in our two conversations to bring $75.00 in cash, or will be considered as necessary for the rest of my supervised release (which is currently my lifetime), or both. All the plans of the last six years will come to nothing.

The next problem is that I showed up at my Penn Station interview and no one was there. I caught the bus downtown to get to my scheduled apartment viewing.

The apartment viewing came with a surprise. Not the apartment, that I liked. No the problem was I thought the application fee ($25.00) was waived and it was not. So I concluded they have not read my application. Do I pay money  when I am sure they will turn me down for being a felon?

Leaving the apartment, I ran into my next problem. My morning's first interview sent me an email wanting a second interview this afternoon. Since I wanted to work on publishing my play, I countered with another date. No response came Five Brothers, so one less job opportunity.

But I did get a call about another job.

And I took some pictures of downtown Muncie. See what you think. I might as well post them now since I may never get another chance.  I will bet nothing  here resembles downtown Anderson.

Here is one of the Ivy Tech buildings. Notice the Ball influence. This is what distinguishes Muncie.


And the other Ivy Tech building:

Here is the bus station:

Here are some of the businesses:

The last one is of a coffee shop, its interior.

And Muncie makes use of art to enliven the town. The second has its counterparts throughout the city. 

And maybe here I can find someone who will rent to me:

I hate this weather. It is windy, chilly, and damp. I want to go nowhere. I certainly am not wanting to work. Yet I do not feel in the least despondent. Should I thank the Zoloft again?


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