Thursday, November 4, 2021

Self-Published to Traditionally Published

Self-published and wondering what else to do? Give Robert J. Lloyd: On Traditionally Publishing a Self-Published Thriller. Because Robert Lloyd describes in detail how he went from a self-published author to one with a traditional publisher, including:

Were there any surprises or learning moments in the publishing process for this title?

Perhaps because I self-published The Bloodless Boy, it felt very strange to receive detailed editorial notes for the rewrite. These were suggested politely, and I was allowed to discuss them—even to argue against them—but I now had to convince a professional rather than just me. The surprise lay in how much I enjoyed this part of the process, working with Carl Bromley at Melville House. Suddenly, I had an ally who also wanted it to be as good as we could make it.

Secondly, and a tougher learn because, for the self-published version, I had set the page layout, chosen the fonts, and designed the cover: It was odd and unsettling to realize I had little to do with this part of the process. Melville House has been kind enough to publish The Bloodless Boy, and its sequel, so these decisions are theirs, not mine, to make.



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