Sunday, October 31, 2021

Robert Reich Offers Hope

 I like reading and listening to Robert Reich - he has a sense of humor and he is smart and I am in sympathy with his ideas. The Guardian published Resilience: the one word progressives need in the face of Trump, Covid and more, an op/ed piece.

Which brings me back to resilience. We have been through a difficult time. We wanted and expected it to be over: challenges overcome, perpetrators brought to justice, pandemic ended, nation healed, climate saved, politics transformed. But none of it is over. The larger goals we are fighting for continue to elude us.

Yet we must continue the fight. If we allow ourselves to fall into fatalism, or wallow in disappointment, or become resigned to what is rather than what should be, we will lose the long game. The greatest enemy of positive social change is cynicism about what can be changed.


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