Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The Plague Time Starts, #2

 I have had this vague dread - not of the disease but of bureaucratic incompetence. I just want to get it over. I figure my COPD makes me likely to die from the corona virus - I've only got 40% left of my lungs - yet I'm more worried about running batteries for my radio (oh, yeah, my building's commissary date  has been moved to the week after this) and books to read and time for writing. Yesterday, I read my to the writing group of Pete T. and Max G. my sequence about Stacy's cancer. They liked it a lot. I have not felt like writing fiction the past few days. I finished reading James S. A. Corey's Tiamat's Wrath - a good science fiction series with intriguing ideas ideas and good prose and string characters -  and Margaret Atwood's The Testaments. I like The Testaments better than I did The Handmaid's Tale - it is a sprightlier told tale, yet I do not think it deserved the Booker. Now I have started Kevin Wilson's Nothing to See Here, which I intend to go back to as soon as I finish this note.

We watched (it was bootlegged) JoJo Rabbit the other day. I finally saw Scarlett Johannsen act. This and Hunters make great statements against anti-Semitism.

Kevin Smith is being interviewed on 93.3. Glad to hear he is still around. Hope you survived the plauge year.



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