Sunday, August 15, 2021

Rust Belt Publishing

This came to me from Literary Hub: Interview with an Indie Press: Belt Publishing and to give you a taste. It only publishes non-fiction

Belt Publishing’s mission began in 2013 with the publication of several anthologies that focused on various cities throughout the Rust Belt and Midwest—from Milwaukee to Dayton, Buffalo, and Louisville—and highlighted writers whose work flew against the trend of the crisis-driven narrative that pervades national coverage of the region. Its first project, Rust Belt Chic, a collaboration between Trubek and Richey Piiparinen, received so much interest that Trubek also launched Belt Magazine the following year with help from Kickstarter-raised funds. (For more details on Belt’s early days, you can read Amanda Arnold’s reporting for Lit Hub.) The worker-owned press soon expanded to offer works of narrative nonfiction, memoir, and cookbooks, with a list that highlights all that is fascinating in the Midwest’s diverse history and culture, along with the economic challenges the area faces, through the eyes of the writers that live there.

How do debut authors reach/pitch you?

Email! We will read it, guaranteed. Even experienced authors can email us! (NB: we only publish nonfiction.)

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