Monday, July 12, 2021

Lady Chatterley's Lover, Part 1

 I have not yet run out of D.H. Lawrence's fiction. Lady Chatterley's Lover found its way back to the prison's leisure library.

I have had a problem with D. H. Lawrence  but found I liked this novel more than I did his The Plumed Serpent - as there was less preaching. The characters seem less like spokesmen - although this is Lawrence and less does not mean the same as not. The sensuality avoids the gynecological of more current writers -  and in the emotional conflict between the lovers, Lady Chatterley and Mellors, allow a more natural expression of Lawrence's ides through dialog than narrative. Remember not expecting ideology from Lawrence is like not expecting machismo from Ernest Hemingway.

My mind pairs Lawrence and Hemingway. Unlike in every other way, they have certain ideas about humanity, a jaundiced view about our species.  I have no idea if they read each other. I assume so.

[To be continued]



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