Monday, February 10, 2025


 I got in three hours at work today; that got me home close to 11AM. Since then, I have written two posts that will go online in the next two days, almost finished off the pork stew, and read some of my emails. Oh, I talked to both K and CC about 2/14. K has a new boyfriend; CC remains a mess. I decided about 6 to let the rest of the night go with Netflix. However, I did make a trip down to the convenience store around 8 PM. Now, I will go back to Netflix - I had my third crash of the night - and then call it a night. Things are getting back into order. What follows are some times read today that I wanted to share.

Counties with the highest unemployment in Indiana (

Madison and Delaware Counties are represented, of course. The surprise is the #1 county.

Ball State Sports Link

Lincoln Michel takes AI to task quite handily in his Why ChatGPT Is a Balloon and the Book Is a Bicycle. How does AI create art? It does not. What we are getting is more of the tech bro hot air that has Elon Musk overthrowing our government, as he previously demolished Twitter. It seems like a good idea to them, and since people keep telling them they are the smartest people in the world, and they do believe their own news releases, therefore they will do what they think is a good thing must be a good thing because they thought of it, even though it serves no practical purpose, nor any other purpose other than showing off their reputed brilliance.

Have fun with The Best of the Bard: Nine Literary Works That Radically Reimagine Shakespeare (Literary Hub)

News Quiz (Mirror Indy) - what do you know about Indianapolis?

And for Muncie - Artist Spotlight: MRKBH from Muncie, Indiana. (Folded Waffle)

Nathan Brand sent me to Inside an Editor's Brain, Kristen Weber's Substack, and the post First Sentences. There, I found these paragraphs:

Yes, you need a “good” first sentence. Yes, it can set the tone for your book. But also…a just okay first sentence is fine too.


So, please try to do what really needs to be done to be a successful author. Write your first sentence and then…move on! Otherwise, you’ll never get to the last sentence. And that one, in my opinion, is when you truly become an author. 


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