Sunday, January 5, 2025

Church & Blogging & Rejections & The Killer Interviewed

 Church went well today - there seems to be a larger number of Orthodox Christians/Orthodox Curious than I would have thought. One problem: the incense seems to trouble my COPD.

The afternoon went without a nap. I scanned material into the computer and worked on posts for this blog.

Maybe the quickest rejection I have ever had. I submitted to Clarkesworld yesterday:

Thank you for the opportunity to read "Lessons Learned From A Green Meadow." Unfortunately, your story isn't quite what we're looking for right now.

In the past, we've provided detailed feedback on our rejections, but I'm afraid that due to time considerations, we're no longer able to offer that service. I appreciate your interest in Clarkesworld Magazine and hope that you'll keep us in mind in the future.

Take care,

Neil Clarke
Clarkesworld Magazine

Also rejected was "The Unintended Consequences of Art":

Thank you for your interest in Nat 1 Publishing. Although we must decline your submission at this time, we appreciate the chance to consider it. We know this wasn't the result you wanted, but just know that we consider every submission with care and found that, at this time, it just wasn't the right fit for us. This decision is by no means an evaluation of your writing or style. We hope you'll submit to us again in the future!

Thanks again, and best of luck.


The Nat 1 Publishing Team 

From Ted Gioia's The Parable of Anna Akhmatova: Who is more powerful, the artist or the dictator?:

Art is more powerful than pundits or politicians, or even the most brutal dictator. It survives the longest. It has an authority that comes from a higher source.

We do well to remember that—especially in times when the creative impulse seems so weak and ineffective.

That weakness is an illusion. Art triumphs in the end. The very hollowness of its opponents ensures that eventual victory. It’s really just a matter of time. 

A New blog found: Alan Langford: Multimedia Artist & Author. I found that following - by accident - another article that mentioned novelWriter.

 About novelWriter:

A markdown-like text editor designed for writing novels and larger projects of many smaller plain text documents.

It is designed to be a simple text editor that allows for easy organisation of text files and notes, with a meta data syntax for comments, synopsis, and cross-referencing between files, and built on plain text files for robustness.

I downloaded the software.

Pay stubs were mailed off to the PO.

My oldest sister and I texted. No other contact with the outer world.

I did my first ham. It came out nicely. I will have enough to eat for most of the week. $13.00 for 7 lbs.

No snow, just trepidation in the face of an impending onslaught of snow.

Now, I am tired. Too many crashes; one scanning job was botched. I think I will watch an episode of Extraordinary Attorney Woo, and call it a night. 

As for The Killer:


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