[A couple of notes explaining what follows: 1) these are the lectures given by the counselor conducting the therapy, given at the end of the session after everyone has reported on their week; and 2) these are my notes, taken from my longhand, and my handwriting has progressed from bad to abysmal, so I think I have gotten the right words, but maybe not.]
[Notes undated - mostly likely 8/23/24.] 12;52 pm to 1:08 pm
[Starting with a recap from the week before. I recall not having a notebook for one session, and I think a notebook has been lost.]
Cognitive disorder - wrong thinking causing harm
Negative filtering - fixating or negative
Overgeneralizations - all or nothing
Global labeling - one time = all times
Shoulds. "I should" or "You should." Hard = shaming. Judgments.
Jumping to conclusions - thinking without all the evidence.
Fortune-telling - "this is what will happen" therefore it will.
Catastrophizing - making out all to be really bad.
Mind reading - projecting thoughts - assuming thoughts.
[New lecture.]
Control fallacy - over-responsibility; powerlessness.
Personalization - not just imaginary [And something I cannot read except for "of me". My recollection does me no good here.] Internal locus of control. Learned helplessness - external control.
[Notes undated - mostly likely 8/30/24.] 12:39 pm to[? - no end time in notes.]
Recap - tossed out phrases.
2 control fallacies: over-responsibility (all in my control = all my fault); and powerlessness (when personalize).
Lot of anxiety - psy choice [?], personality disorder - always being right.
Fall under depression: blaming - you did it - pointing to an oppressor. Cain & Abel. Leads to a killing relationship.
Karma - not a guarantee - not Buddhism.
[9/13/24. 12:57 pm to 1:23 pm.]
Review - hand [?] should - not in prior notes.
no pen last week
Discounting the positive - actually maintaining a negative outlook.
Always wrong - one downmanship
Intervention -
Step 1 addressing problem - assessment
- write it down
- ID cognitive disorder - labelling
- begin reframing - if 0 is worst, then all other options between 0 & 100.
1. Assessment (initial)2. Labelling - name the cognitive distortions3. reframing - look at beliefs, thinking errors, works best when intro. shade of gray - something believable.4. Intervention - so what? works with catastrophizing5. make a plan - plan looks like walking through problem; must be believable.
[9/27/24. 12:56 pm - no time noted.]
Review previous week
anxiety - ask so what?
new ones
[Counselor] Doesn't like the first one.
- List Evidence Against. find contradicting evidence. Doesn't like because starts using confirmation bias.
- Curious questions - trying to open up this kind of exploring. If mind-reading or a should - asking another person works.
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