Saturday, December 14, 2024

Busy, Busy, Wheels Spinning

 Let's see - I was late to work both Thursday and Friday. Thursday because it was too bloody cold to walk. Yes, I am showing my age. Friday, I meant to be there at 7 - there was snow and a little less cold - only I dozed too long.

Muncie people do not shovel their snow. At least, not on West Kilgore. I suspect it is because so many of us rent and are pretty transients.

Last week's paycheck was meager. This one will be worse.

The highlight was finishing Stranger Things. Then I watched The Gray Man, and then on Friday, I started Orson Welles' The Other Side of the Wind. I meant to get back to it, but I am almost done with Saturday and think it will be a thing for tomorrow.

I got groceries bought yesterday. After that, I did not cook dinner, but did the hummus and pita thing. All the cooking I did today was fried potatoes.

There was some final work done on "Kemp". It was not a productive day. Even though I did get through another group session.

I was up at 4 AM. I did a little work on another rewrite of "The Psychotic Ape." I meant to get back to it by now, but I have not.

YouTube in the background. It may also have crashed the browser twice. Maybe, I am a little distracted by Scottish comics.

I got a rejection yesterday for "Road Tripping":

Thank you for considering Braddock Avenue Books as a publisher for your story collection, Only the Dead and the Dying. We have had to make some very difficult editorial decisions about which books to accept, and despite the strengths of your work, we will unfortunately have to pass on the opportunity to publish it. We do, however, wish you success in finding a home for your manuscript.

All the best, 

Robert Peluso

I then decided to submit "Road Tripping" to Orison Books. They had a minimum words that was less than the version I am currently hawking, so I went back to an older version that was about 10,000 words longer. I had to do a lot of reformatting. I have no expectations.

That was almost my biggest accomplishment of the day. Although, I did get my laundry done and got a bottle of Coke from the convenience store.

One more submission and I will call it a night.


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