Sunday, September 15, 2024

Journey To Orthodoxy

 Until today, I had not heard of the blog Journey To Orthodoxy. It is geared towards those who might be interested in Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

For example, How I Became an Orthodox: The Journey of Gerard “Thomas” Magee (YouTube video) and Welcome from Fr. Peck:

I’m Fr. John A. Peck, and I founded Journey To Orthodoxy. Like many of you, I did not grow up in the Orthodox faith. Like many of you, I had to find it, and it wasn’t easy to find!

It seemed for us, as it seems for many of you, to be a lonely journey.

It is not. You will meet many others on the same path, from every conceivable background. This is what made our journey so much happier.  This is especially true for those of you who are CLERGY. We have special contacts for you, and a special section exclusively for recounting the path to Orthodoxy by non-Orthodox clergy.

I believe that every stripe of Christians will benefit from studying Orthodox Christianity.  No, you may not decide to convert. You may start asking why other denominations diverge from the first Christian church.

Saint Vladimir Seminary Press is now offering One Flew Over The Onion Dome.

Converts to the Orthodox Church are sometimes stunned by the ethnic ghetto they seem to have landed in. Cradle Orthodox are no less amazed by these zealous, sometimes apparently nutty converts. And priests often seem clueless as to how to deal with the mixed blessing of newcomers. How on earth can we all understand each other? More importantly, what can we learn from each other? Fr Joseph David Huneycutt helps readers—whether cradle, convert, "revert," or "retread"—navigate and explore the experience of converts to Orthodoxy.

About the Author:  Very Rev Joseph David Huneycutt, bestselling author of One Flew Over the Onion Dome (SVS Press), leads retreats on the passions, the virtues, and confession across the country. He is the pastor of St Joseph Orthodox Church in Houston, Texas, and is well-known for his blog and podcast, both called Orthodixie.

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Orthodoxie does not seem to have been updated in 2 years, but I spent time this morning reading several of the posts. There is not always a virtue to newness; they will give you much to think about. Belittled Bum Begs for a Good Word captures much of what impresses me about Orthodox clergy.

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