Friday, September 6, 2024

Giving Credit To The Devil

 I think anyone reading any of my political posts knows my position on Donald J. Trump, but I will point out what he did right. (No pun intended).

I like reading The Jacobin to see what the real leftists are saying. All too often they find angles not put forward by more mainstream news sources, and then often they make sense.

Like Why Do So Many Workers Love Trump?

Contrary to conventional wisdom, it was jobs and trade — and not immigration or any other divisive social or cultural issue — that had top billing in Trump’s 2016 rhetoric. On average, Trump invoked jobs and trade (“jobs,” “manufacturing,” “unfair trade deals,” etc.) 10.3 times per statement or speech, compared to the 8.3 times he invoked immigration (21 percent fewer average mentions) and the less than one time per statement or speech he referenced controversial social issues (excluding immigration), from abortion to trans rights and Black Lives Matter. Indeed, Trump used pro-worker rhetoric nearly three times as often — and anti–economic elite rhetoric more than twice as often — as he brought up controversial social issues.

I did not notice this so much while in prison, but I have begun seeing the same thing as in the article while I have been living in Muncie. The Democrats quit talking about jobs. That is not what Harris is doing.

sch 9/1 

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