Thursday, September 5, 2024


 Work did not go so well. A little problem with a fellow employee. I think it is time to move on, from getting into silly disputes.

I came home with intentions to get some writing done and go to FedEx, but we worked late, and the bus schedules get disrupted by transporting schoolkids. I started on the email, and the longer I sat, the more my back hurt and the wearier I got. I decided around 4 to just go to sleep and get up early. Early being 1 AM.

It is now 2:20. I went down to the convenience store about an hour ago for smokes and RC Cola. I have made it through a bunch of my emails. Now, I am going to pass along some of my reading from the past 24 hours.

Mirror Indy previewed the Fall Indianapolis theater season: Fall theater season is here! Here are 10 shows to see.

Note: "Kinky Boots" is coming Sept. 20-29 to Ball State University Theatre, 920 N. McKinley Ave, Muncie

Questions remain over former Indiana sheriff Jamey Noel’s eligibility for public pensions. I have not followed this story, since to me, it shows both the fallibility of law enforcement and the legal system correcting that fallibility.

Ah, my old profession policing itself, Former Indiana DCS attorney receives three-month law suspension for falsifying signatures. I was a little confused at first since the story says that nothing other than the caseworker's signatures were false. Then it dawned on me: what if the caseworker did not want to file the CHINS petition at the same time as the attorney signed the petition? The parents on the receiving end of a CHINS petition generally do not have money for an attorney and the courts rarely deny such a petition. If the parents do not properly comply with the court's order (that is, do what DCS wants them to do), then the children can be removed permanently from their parents. Think about that.

Politics, a bunch from The Bulwark. I usually find their articles interesting.

How Right-Wingers Manufacture Scandal - one of those pieces that makes me wonder about the intellectual abilities of the MAGA people.

H.R. McMaster Can’t Save Himself From Trump - what is it about Trump that makes people want to soil themselves?

I am doing a separate post on Delaware Co. Prosecutor discusses crime trends following Muncie’s second 2024 homicide

I almost forgot this new rejection of "No Ordinary Word":

Thank you for sending us "No Ordinary Word." Unfortunately, we do not have a place for it at this time. However, we appreciate the opportunity to read your writing and your interest in Peatsmoke.

We hope you find a good home for your work elsewhere, and wish you the best.


Wendy & Bess


Wendy Wallace and Bess Cooley

Editors, Peatsmoke: A Literary Journal 

Twitter: PSmokeJournal

What Trump gets wrong about the Russian-Ukrainian War is that it is an imperialist/religious war. He cannot solve that with one phone; saying so is moronic. That the Republicans follow Trump into Putin's lap shows they do not understand Russia's threat to America. Maybe The Imperial Identity of the Russian Orthodox Church in Estonia and the War in Ukraine by Dr. Priit Rohtmets will make this clear.

Get that done and then do the dishes and work a little on my story. We will see how this experiment goes when it gets to be 5 PM.

sch 2:43 AM

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