Thursday, March 30, 2023

Updates - Paychecks, Interviews, Grocery Shopping, Writing

 I spent too much time writing and working on the computer yesterday, so I crashed about 9 pm last night without making my daily report. I had been up since a little after 4 AM, I thought I deserved it.

I made my McClure's run before dawn, caffeinated sugar water and nicotine.

My interview yesterday got moved to today at 1 pm. This is for the manufacturing job. They needed to reschedule and my 7:45 bus did not show.

I had already been working on the blog and my stories, so I went back to them. A few additions to "True Love Ways Gone Astray" made feel better about the title. I will wait to see if anyone picks up the story before I put out the new version.

Saturday's schedule of writing and political topics is done. Sunday is about filled. 

I left for Chili's at 11:30 to get my pay check, and I was back around one with a few supplemental groceries from Payless.

KH suggested checking my edits of "The Sloe Gin Effect" story, and I did. Also, I went to work seeing if I cannot improve this blog's visibility on Google Search. Anyone who has been paying attention may notice I tarted up the place with some new colors and a few new fonts.

 I got ruthless with the email. Firefox crashed for the first time in a week, or so it seems.

Fairfield advertised on Indeed for a night auditor position. I interviewed there the beginning of last week. I was told they would get back with me by the end of last week. I heard nothing. Then I called on Tuesday, the person interviewing me said they had decided to go with someone else. That the person who had conducted the telephone interview was supposed to have let me know. Last night, this came through on Indeed's job listings:

Night Auditor
Fairfield Muncie
4011 W Bethel Ave, Muncie, IN 47304

Well, so much for a felons being able to get jobs, so much for honest behavior from employers. Better think about that one. 

I have an interview at 1 pm for a manufacturing job. 

At 9:45 I need to be in Yorktown about my CPAP mask. I need to get to the sheriff's. I should drop in on food stamps. I can get the 8:30 bus out to YOC and then walk out to Yorktown. And walk back. Then I might go back into town on the bus and get the jail bus, or walk down to the jail. All this walking will be good for my lungs and waistline. However, it means I need to leave off here.

For those who might think Muncie is a complete backwater: Three Robotics Teams from Delaware County Qualify for World Championship

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