Sunday, March 19, 2023

Talk About a Wasted Sunday

 I have not left today. I woke and then went back to sleep. Then I napped. All i have been waiting for today is The Blacklist.

I have typed up some of the pretrial detention novel. No nicotine, little caffeine, and I am annoyed by what I wrote 13 years ago.

Firefox crashed a couple of times. I think I am pushing the limits of the Wi-Fi.

You who like movies, have you seen John Woo's movies? If so, check out Last Hurrah for Chivalry: Long Live Chivalric Brotherhood by Aaron Han Joon Magnan-Park, and these other essays from The Criterion Channel.

I first heard of Djuna Barnes in prison. Both F. Scott Fitzgerald and D. H. Lawrence referred to her in novels of their own. I read her novel Nightwood since I arrived in Muncie, but I do not see that I wrote any at length on her novel. I read a review of a new biography: Who Knows What Went On In That House? Djuna: The Life & Work of Djuna Barnes by Phillip Herring. I can see why she must puzzle many people, but I wonder if she interests anyone young.

And that is all I have got.

sch  9:34 pm

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