Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Federal Bureaucracy - Something for the Anthropologist/Sociologist, 6/25/2010

 [I omitted an entry here on Mitch Daniels and property taxes. This seemed quite out of date. I have to wonder how I am going to get through all these notes in a timely manner. Right now, I am thinking of picking one day when all my posts will be journal posts. Excluding my daily report, of course. sch 12/18/22]

 We really need a study done of the federal bureaucracy. Then of the different state bureaucracies. Then a synthesis of the two. Yes, Weber did the Prussians, but what of us in anthropological and/or sociological terms? 

Yes, my arrest brought this to my attention. Then, when Obama's director of national intelligence resigned, CNN reported how the various intelligence agencies were still not sharing information.

At the time of my arrest, I was very helpful to the arresting officers. I gave them full access to my Yahoo and Giga-Tribe accounts. I even made mention of seeing files for pirated movies. The arresting officer asked me no questions, he had no reaction. Did any of this information get shared? I wonder. 


[Okay, that one was a bit askew. I was rather surprised that I had this idea at this time. I quite forgot I had written this one. See, during my stay in Fort Dix Federal Institution, I became more and more convinced the whole experience was a sociological/anthropological/psychological test. Several people agreed with me on this - whoever I said it to. sch 12/18/22.]

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