Monday, November 14, 2022

What's Going on at Maggie's Farm?

I woke at 3. I did not get much done, but I was awake with a throbbing hip. I thought to take a short nap, housekeeping would be coming through this morning, except the alarm did not get through. Housekeeping woke me up. 

Looking for places to submit my stories, I read Epiphany Ferrell's A Mother Could Go Mad from Tilted House. Wonderful little story! I need to remember this magazine.

Two Lines Press does translations. Looks good, but the only translation I do is from Hoosier to American. No submission there.

Then I headed towards to Unlikely Stories. I read Meltdown with interest, I had no idea where the writer was going - other than having this feeling that there would be a kink in the story. Oh, yes, going with this one.

Trampset next, but it is 9:20. I need to do some other things.

Wasted about 3 hours today with buses being late. I did get to my counseling session, and my teeth were cleaned, and groceries were bought.

I made mention of how I liked my life now - there was no craziness. From there I explained the craziness - the Boiled Bunny Lady, the convoluted and interconnected dating arrangements, Susan the Dark Shadows collector. He said Anderson sounded like Peyton Place crossed with Studio 54. I quoted T2 that Anderson was the center of perversity for Indiana.

We talked a bit about how my generation came just after the sexual revolution of the 60s and the AIDS pandemic of the 80s. 

I read this after dinner: ‘Groyper’ general wishes for ‘dictatorship,’ wants to ‘force the people to believe what we believe'

 It’s remarkable how right-wing authoritarians like Donald Trump and his white-nationalist handmaidens are able to successfully market themselves as “populists”—men of the people, who stand up for ordinary Americans, etc. etc. But anyone who pays close attention or peeks behind the authoritarian stage curtain is well aware that this façade masks a seething contempt for those same ordinary people, as well as a driving desire to control them.

White nationalist “Groyper army” general Nick Fuentes—evidently angry and exasperated that the right’s eagerly awaited “red tsunami” utterly failed to materialize during this week’s midterms, and reaching for the Copium along with the rest of his MAGA-loving cohorts—let the mask slip the day after the election. Acknowledging the election actually manifested that abortion is popular with American voters, he ranted on his podcast that America is “an evil country” and that “dictatorship” is the only solution: “We need to take control of the media, take control of the government, and force the people to believe what we believe.”

Can we not just put them back under the rocks they crawled out of?

I have one pretrial detention piece to work on, and that is next. I am tired, have been to McClure's. I start on my fiction tomorrow.

Heard this on Backwoods, it is from Gayle Lewis:

Time to slop the farm, the help is moving out.


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