Thursday, September 29, 2022

Killer Lives

 I have spent too much time tonight with my 2010 self. Mail lies on the bed, business needs attending to, and I may put it off until tomorrow morning. My sister got the phone today and I have some thoughts on its removal from my life. However, I do need to set up the alarm clock I ha to buy - Buyer's Market had one on sale. Work and the mall and back here to eat and type.

I heard from KH. He survived Hurricane Ian. 

I still have not gotten though all my email or set up the email subscription for this blog.

I worked on the blog for 2 hours. That was how long Greaser's Lunchbox from KDHX played. Two from the pretrial detention journal (oh, what a mess these loose sheets were - are!) and a current piece for prison life that I scheduled for next week. As soon as I get 30 days worth of the pretrial stuff, I will begin scheduling their publication.

No reply from Thin Air about my headshot and bio. Maybe they saw me and decided this was not a face they want on their website.

No reply from Stephanie R about my "Colonel Tom" story. Maybe she will now wish we had not started communicating again.

I learned from The Greaser's Lunchbox that today was Jerry Lee Lewis birthday, and being a fan, I close out tonight with his genius:


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