Monday, June 27, 2022

Cranky Monday Morning & Abortion Talk

I forgot the alarm clock. I overslept. I turned on Morning Joe. I got annoyed at hearing a guest advocate the Democrats campaign for a federal law codifying Roe v. Wade. I stand by what I wrote in The New Dred Scott? that legislation is not the solution. The only solution is to amend the Constitution. Yes, the Democrats need to campaign, need to vote, on Republican tyranny so as to amend the Constitution.

Not getting more Democrats into Congress will leave abortion and our liberty at the mercy of Republicans, of minority control by an increasingly authoritarian clique:

Asked what types of abortion legislation Republicans would work to advance if they took over the House, GOP leader Kevin McCarthy, who is in line to replace Pelosi as speaker, said: “We will continue to look wherever we can go to save as many lives as possible.”  As Senate-Confirmed Justices End Roe, How Will Voters React?

The Liberal Patriot's The Political Battle Over Abortion Will Never End sees nothing no good on the right or the left, but does have a solution for the center:

The rest of us in the patriotic center will just have to tune out politics even more and try to vote for people with common sense and a commitment to leaving people alone and protecting their rights. And maybe in the meantime, we could all agree that women should at least have widely available, free contraception to help prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. 

But no recognition of amending the Constitution. 

The Bulwark's Cathy Young's What Comes Next? does no better with political ideas instead of social, private solutions, but does recognize the legislation fallacy:

And what about the other side? Although some pro-choicers have been calling for Congress to codify Roe nationwide, it seems unlikely that Democrats have the votes to do so. Besides, a national law protecting abortion would still leave abortion rights at the mercy of political shifts (what one Congress can do today, another Congress can undo tomorrow) and even open the door to a push for a national abortion ban.

Biden remains sane: Biden Quickly Shuts Down Democrats’ Calls To Expand Court Post-Roe Decision

 I hear people at work complain about Biden. One woman said she prefers Kanye West. They think Biden incompetent. I do not. Unlike Trump, Biden is not lost in his own delusions of grandeur and ineptitude.

In The New Dred Scott? I pointed out the problem of expanding the Supreme Court. It does not solve the problem of a Supreme Court intent on ruling rather than interpreting. Read How the Christian right took over the judiciary and changed America from The Guardian.

At the core of the Dobbs decision lies the conviction that the power of government can and should be used to impose a certain moral and religious vision – a supposedly biblical and regressive understanding of the Christian religion – on the population at large.

 To my friends and family who thonk themselves conservative, this decision was anything but conservative. This will be the kind of power grab that when labelled as "creeping socialism" gets you shaking in your boots. We, the American people, are about to ride the tiger. Failure means a dictatorship. Is that what us meant by conservatism?


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