Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Tucker Carlson Hypocrite?

 Or just a manipulator of the weak-minded for his own profit?

Tucker Carlson Says Race Politics Is ‘A Sin,’ Ignores Racial Conspiracy Theories He's Pushed:

Tucker Carlson condemned the 18-year-old suspect accused of shooting 13 people at a Buffalo, New York, grocery store this weekend. But the Fox News host failed to take accountability for the white supremacist “great replacement” theory he’s peddled on prime time for years, instead lambasting Democrats and the media for attacking free speech.

About that theory - seems we got scared white people. By if

 Buffalo suspect may be latest mass shooter motivated by ‘eco-fascism’:

Authorities believe the killer chose the supermarket due to the surrounding area’s sizable Black community, with an 180-page manifesto believed to have been written and posted online by the suspect referencing his desire to “kill as many Blacks as possible” and his belief in the “great replacement theory”, which holds that white people are at risk of losing their status and traditional culture because of immigrants.

And commentary from Stephen Colbert:

Look, I think the kind of white people believing this replacement theory are boneheads, real morons. When they go out killing others they are also cowardly thugs. If white people are so fragile,so easily frightened, so attached to a status maintained by force of arms rather than accomplishments, then it is time for white people to commit suicide. Maybe arrange jumping off a cliff like the lemmings (and what else do these white supremacists resemble so much but the lemmings?) 

We will leave behind Mark Twain and Dickens and Tolstoy and Dante and Shakespeare and Sophocles and Albert Camus and Herman Melville and Montaigne and Jane Austen and George Eliot; Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Turner, Rodin, Edvard Munch, Sargent, David, Van Gogh, Monet; David Hume, Plato, Cicero, Kant, Sir Francis, Bacon, John Locke, Voltaire, and Descartes; or Newton, Leibniz, James Watt, William Harvey, Huygens, and Kepler.  I never hear any of these white supremacists talking about any of these names. I strongly suspect those people have no use for those names, probably despise them. At the same time, I bet there are plenty of blacks and Asians and Hispanics and Jews who do respect those names and their legacies. 

So who then does preserve European culture?



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