Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Moral Theories

Let us use the internet to better ourselves. Learn from me to stay out of the net's darker corners. We can - must - educate ourselves, to improve ourselves, so as to leave behind a better world.

Some of what you will find in Moral Philosophy: The 5 Most Important Ethical Theories I learned in college. What I learned reading this essay follows:

Liberalism is largely a political moral philosophy that aims to prevent governments from interfering with the lives of people, except for when the actions of people harm others. It is associated with civil libertarianism, a type of political thought that promotes civil liberties (individual freedoms). Taboo subjects like sex work and illicit drug use are generally seen to be acceptable forms of behaviour provided they harm no one else.

A problem often raised by critics is that liberalism may be short-sighted. Similar to consequentialism, we can question who is harmed and whether we can be sure of the carry-on effects of our actions and who they may affect.

And how is it our political conservatives lambast liberalism? Why should everyone not favor the promotion of individual freedom?

One example of a moral philosophy that is arguably nihilistic is moral relativism. Simply put, moral relativism is the view that morality is determined by social convention and is differently understood across cultures and times. According to moral relativists, there is no proper or universal moral code.

I had not heard it expressed this way. I disagree - there are shared taboos across the globe and through time. 

And the moral theory worrying me most since I immersed myself into it before my arrest:

Another example of moral nihilism can be found in a moral philosophy called non-cognitivism. Moral non-cognitivism states that most (or all) of our moral statements and beliefs are not based on reason. Rather, they are based on preference and personal taste.

I became to see the world as making up morality as it stumbled through existence. 

What theory do you agree with? Why?

sch 4/7/22

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