Saturday, March 19, 2022

Writing : Representation

I am a white, straight male aged 61 years. I have spent most of my life in a majority white state. Most of the people I have know were white albeit with a varying degree of straightness. I have known and dealt with people who were not white. Some of those people made maybe a bit more sensitive to their lives in Indiana. I do not claim any special or even extensive knowledge. I do know that when I was working on my Indiana short stories I knew I needed to touch on race. Maybe - when my PO approves my laptop - the day will come when you can evaluate my execution of my ideas.

All that prologue is to encourage the reading of Why Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Is Important for Writers and consider this paragraph:

Yet, there are things writers can do. We can advocate for writers of non-dominant identities by platforming their work on our social channels and in public spaces. We can introduce them to our agents and publishers. We can feature them in our own writing, always providing both ample credit and editorial decision-making rights when we do.



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