Monday, March 7, 2022

Where to Begin?


I left tired. So tired I took the wrong bus. I got on the Willard bus not the one for Whitely. This route took met to the southside Wal-Mart. I needed groceries so I chose to interpret my mistake as a sign of it being time to buy groceries. I spent $54.

I came back to pay rent. I got a shock - not enough money in my account. Turned out the owner's wife ran my card twice. They did get paid. I almost had a panic attack.

The owner asked me to tidy up my books.

I did some reading, some blogging. I talked too long to KH about how depressing had been my counseling session. Would that I had killed myself, so to save my friends the stress of being my friends. The Zoloft was given a run for its money.

I still had not finished Celine. That was all recall of Friday.

Oh, Putin had not conquered Ukraine.


Warm weather, so I walked to my dishwashing job.

This is what remains of the bar I worked at 40 years ago:

I feel better working at the second job. Likeable people. I left at 3, caught the bus and started on my books.

Tidying up let me catalog the books, too. I got a bunch done.

I got a comment on the blog. When I went to reply, I found my monitoring software blocking me. I called KH about this. I decided to create and move everything to this blog. Well, not everything. I left off the articles I thought offended my software censor.


Dishwashing, again. Walked there, again. Walking home the host gave me a ride. They are that kind of people.

KH and I had several calls. We were cleaning up my latest version of "Colonel Tom." The Craft! let me know there formatting problems. KH was helping me get the new story ready. 

I finished the book cataloging. I watched Killing Eve. I talked to K. I was too tired for writing, so I read Celine, listened to some music on YouTube, and went to sleep.


I caught the bus on a very wet morning. At work, one parking lot was almost covered by water. I left tired and footsore.

I deposited my dishwashing check. I ought have checked the balance. My debit card did work at The Barking Cow. Lucky, I had cash enough to cover an excellent raspberry ice cream. I stopped at McClure's and had the same problem with my debit card. I need to stop again at the bank.

I brought over all my old posts to this blog. Except the two offending notes.

I called K. I started working on this note after dinner.  I plan on showering and reading Celine.  

Now I have caught you up on the doings of this villain. Any questions? 


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