Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Second Group Session

 It was off to my job in the global supply chain. We had one truck of puzzles from China. I think they go to Wal-Mart. I did that until 11:30. That was when I left to catch the buses for my group therapy.

The 17 bus gave me a shock when it turned around  and headed back to the courthouse. I figured Murphy was imposing his law. It did come back. I caught the #3 bus on time. I was at the session with time to spare.

I did not have to speak at the session. I learned a few things: 1) Indiana has now imposed a lifetime parole on those convicted of sex crimes; and 2) Michigan snd Indiana prison systems provide counseling for those convicted of sex offenses; and 3) I really feel like I am amateur hour.

I got back in time to put to put lids on cans. I am good at this, I get motion sickness, I understand why assembly line workers drink. 

K picked me up from work. We went to the sheriff's so I could my registration thing. Then we went to my bank. I have no idea why my card did not work on Monday. Then I took her to Sea Salt & Cinnamon. Got baked goods. She liked it. Then she headed home, leaving me with my last W-2.

I should have done laundry. Instead, I watched TV and mucked about with this blog. 

Part of a filling just came off. Bits and pieces falling off of me. Now I must call a dentist.

I got a bit more read of Celine before going to sleep.

 Be glad of your life!


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