Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Group Therapy #4 and Lots of Sleep

I made work Tuesday. We had a live load, so we worked hard and fast. It was done on time. It gave me something to think about besides my aching knees.

While waiting for my bus, I was accosted by a total stranger. He was young, somewhere in his twenties. He wanted to talk about getting gun rights back. Indiana's governor having signed the law no longer requiring a permit for concealed carrying of handguns. From what he said, he must have committed a felony. I mentioned the federal government might take a different view of his rights. Not sure that made any impact on him. The gleam in his eye remained. Watching him walk off in search of coffee, I thought there was one more nutcase having no business with firearms. Also, crossing my mind was how crazies still talk to me.

Group therapy went well. Two guys leaving got all the attention. I was ignored. I remain uncertain about its therapeutic value.

I did not stop back at work. I should have. Instead, I walked to the sheriff's for my weekly registration. That came to a mile walk. Not wanting to wait for the 4 pm Justice Center bus, I walked up to Memorial Street to catch the Ivy Tech bus. On the way there I made some calculations. From those calculations I made a call rescheduling my colonoscopy. I did catch the bus.

I got some groceries at Dollar General. I walked from there back to my room. I ate. I hot tired. I decided to go to sleep at 7. I did. I woke at 8. I was vomiting the ice cream I ate for dinner. I went back to sleep for another 2 hours. Then I slept until 4:15 am. 

Worked a full day, went to the downtown market for more groceries, came back to the room. Here I spent the evening working on a bio/cover for two different outlets where I was submitting stories. Added blog posts, too. Talked to K about doing some typing. Started this post before going to bed. I am working hard to make sure I keep reporting on my daily doings so the world knows what this villain is up to each day.

One last chore for the night: email BSU professor about auditing playwrighting classes.

Tomorrow I need to work and do what was not done today: work on taxes, work on the second chapter of "Death and a Kiss", and read Mae West. Maybe grocery shopping so I do not have to do so on Friday or Saturday. I need to figure out how to keep crazies away from me. I no longer feel the need to be the craziest person in the room. 

Listening to Freeform Pathogen on WPRB.


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