Friday, February 18, 2022

Thursday Becomes Friday

Not much happened yesterday. I went to work without benefit of Ace bandage. I survived. The foot numb. Today it is just stiff. Whole less pain. 

Only surprise came when I checked the bank account. About half of what I expected. Good thing rent is covered for the coming week. Talk is we may be sent home, there is only one truck to unload. It it 11:54 as I write this, and we are about half way through it.

I spent too much time last night drafting a playlist for my birthday. I need to finish the Celine novel. I need to call my doctor about my new inhaler and Cpap mask. I need to get to HR here to get the information requested by FSSA - I really need to get my food stamps reinstated. If not for the money, I would have no problem going home early.

I have been thinking about writing my PO about my laptop. He has been as silent as the dead.

It is now noon. Time to return to work.

2:07 PM

Break. Looks like we have enough truck left for me to get close to 8 hours.

KH suggested during our last conversation that I try yoga. With me starting the second job, I no longer have any days off to start anything like yoga. I am already footsore and pooped.

4:39 PM

Waiting on the 4:45 Morningside bus. I missed the 4:15 by a couple of minutes. I almost forgot to pay my IOU from this morning. See, my monthly pass expired today, not tomorrow, so I had no cash for a day pass so I could ride back to my room from work. I did 8 hours at work and I was a little punchy. Punchy enough to havea mental lapse.

Bus is starting.

Good news: enough in the bank to pay for next week's rent.

8:53 PM

Laundry is done. I called my doctor and instead of voice mail I got an answering service. I ate dinner. I put off calling Texas Roadhouse until tomorrow. I wrote a long email to KH. I tried calling TJ again and got a full voicemail. I will try calling her tomorrow. I called T2 and got a voicemail that was not full. I set up a taxi for tomorrow morning. 

This is the only post I write tonight. I will be going nowhere else. I will read Celine for the rest of the night.

Biden says Putin will invade Ukraine. Things might be getting hairy. It maybe this will be the only place safe for us:

And so that ends Friday.


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