Saturday, January 29, 2022

Books: Angela Carter's Love

I finished reading Angela Carter's Love almost a week ago. Sorry about no write up, but none of the write ups like I used to do until and unless I get my laptop approved by my parole officer. I need get it back to Ball State's Bracken Library today.

I will say a couple of things while waiting on the bus:

  1. I lack Ms. Carter's ideological framework to give substance to my writing - I talk about what I see and have nothing to situate my ideas, I must leave that to you, dear reader.
  2. Great style, a narrative that sucked me in even though the story is more than 50 years old. This is a story that could still happen: a woman and two men lost and death bringing one of them peace.
  3. If we from the peripheries want to write, we cannot ignore others from the outside. I once thought I had no stories to tell that Faulkner and others had taken all there was. I was a stupid and that is BS. We all have stories to tell. We are free to tell them as we please. I read Love as an example of great writing from off several beaten paths. I plan to keep on reading Carter. You need to start.
Since I am doing no quoting or going into detail as I usually do with books, I will offer up links about the book:


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