Sunday, January 30, 2022

Belated Robert Burns Post

Last week was Burns Day. That's a Scottish holiday for their national poet. See What is Burns Night and how are you celebrating? America has nothing like it. The Religious Right would go nuts if we made Walt Whitman's birthday a national holiday. You can get all of Burns's poetry for free here.

Now for something on the man from The Scotsman, Robert Burns was a flawed man, not a god to be worshipped blindly:
However Lochhead pointed out that Burns himself “truly despised” hypocrites and “never pretended to be other than a man riven by the deepest contradictions. All of them ‘true’, all fundamental to his character”.


A group of Scottish poets, called The Trysting Thorns, has now revealed new works designed to tackle his “misogyny and abuse” and treatment of women.

Since Burns wrote a poem about haggis, that is what they serve at Burns Night dinners. In memory of T2, I offer up this recipe. (Americans cannot get sheep lungs, so here is another recipe.) I had Scottish ancestors and think I see why the cuisine never caught on.

Enjoy the poetry and the recipes.




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