Sunday, January 2, 2022


Sorry about missing my daily updates. 

Thursday was lethargy and work. I read a little online, I did some posts, read a bit about Angela Carter, I spread Ben-Gay on my aching joints. I watched Doctor Who. We were busy Thursday night. Lucky for me Alex showed up at 5. He was the one who pointed out this goo in my eye. I walked home. It was unseasonably warm. Which was lucky since I was damp.

Friday was pretty much the same except I went to Dollar General for some groceries and one of the Mexicans gave me a ride home. Which was good since I was pretty much soaked from my waist down. Very uncomfortable. There eas more Doctor Who to watch. This was the first time I had been up at midnight on New Year's Eve since taking A and her friend J to the Mark III back in 2007.

Saturday I woke up in an almost blind panic. I could not find my glasses. I panicked enough to call K. She can see better than I can, was my logic. She was working.  I found them in the drawer of the nightstand. I never put them there before. Outside the sky was gray and drizzily and felt like a bad hangover. There was even more Doctor Who on TV. I wrote some posts, too. My throat was raw and it felt like I had a sinus infection. More Ben-Gay. Fiddling with the blog settings instead of spending time with Angela Carter took up my time. I decided to take a bus to work. Standing at the bus stop I found out no buses were running. I walked to work in a light rain. I stopped at Qdoba for a hot meal and to use their wi-fi so I could set up a taxi to take me home after work. I stopped at Walgreen's for cough syrup. At work, Alex was a no-show. I worked 8 hours on my own, was drenched before the first hour was up, and was quite happy to take s taxi ride.

Like Saturday I slept in today -  no benefit of an alarm clock. I opened the door and it was cold and gray and I got back inside. I read my emails. I breakfasted on oatmeal. I worked up the nerve to go down McClure's, wanting cash and Coca-Cola. This is Indiana in January. I survived the trip, started my laundry, and started on this note. I go to work around 3 to be there at 4. I am thinking about another taxi. Also about Angela Carter. Have a good. I have two hours to myself. 


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