Monday, December 20, 2021

Talking Squid Game

I watched one episode of Squid Game snd did not like it. Judge me as you like.

I did like Guy Walker's Squid Game: All You Need Is Death over on Full Stop. But the following passage spoke to me about my own life than it did about the show:

When considering how humans manage go on in the perverse mania of their day-to-day, how they are able to wake up and begin all the pointless insanity again, how they’re able to go to bed again, peacefully, and not drive themselves mad or destitute thinking about the tyranny of their days, Louis-Ferdinand Céline put it best in Journey to the End of the Night: “The truth is an endless death agony. The truth is death. You have to choose: death or lies. I’ve never been able to kill myself.” What Squid Game accomplishes is a summation of the endless death agony that we have all proudly sentenced ourselves to.

This line of thinking applies to several people I have known. Most of them are dead. I think I have - maybe - caught this feeling in a couple if my stories.



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