Friday, November 19, 2021

Oops, Did It Again

Again, I added to this blog without reporting on myself. Sorry.

Tuesday night at work came close to being a disaster. It was me and the dishwasher. We were swamped. The dishwasher and I left close to 11:30, about 30 later than scheduled. 

Wednesday, I slept in. Bone-weary and getting tired of the place. I did the email, I did the online job hunting and the online apartment hunting. Today, I have two job interviews and tomorrow I view a possible apartment. Back on the 19th, the day felt like my knee joints and lower back - cranky and achy. I did manage to get my laundry done and helped a local attorney by showing him how to use Google Scholar. It is good to feel useful. I finished the day by adding to the blog, reading material for the blog, and eating a sardine sandwich. I do not think I will hit the 500 posts I need for Google Adwords. That does not mean I cannot try.

Thursday was more of the same. There was one exception: I walked down to the Dollar General for groceries. Alex showed up to help run dishes last night and it was slow and today I did not ache and walk slowly. And I did have some human interaction. I saw these two kids across the street when I stepped out to have a smoke. They were a boy and a girl. He was losing a fight with his coat. I watched, wondering if they would be able to cross Broadway. They did. I went back inside and wrote for a while until I decided to finish my cigarette. The girl was coming up the street behind the motel. No sign of the boy and she saw me standing there and I knew what was coming. I gave her the cigarette and water she asked for. I calculate she was in her early twenties. She looked malnourished but that happens when one lives on the street. She had lost the boy; there was an admission he was high. I have not seen these types in this area. I think maybe I just saw my first examples of the opioid epidemic. She left when I gave her the bottle of water. I saw no one else until I got to work at 4. I spoke to the person in charge of scheduling. I can no longer work nights. At least I do not fancy walking (roundtrip) 2.4 miles in subzero temperatures.

This morning I stoked up on caffeine and nicotine before breakfasting on oatmeal and an apple. I want to get out of here before the cleaning crew shows up. I am thinking I need to go to the Mall to check on a job. I need to catch the noon bus so I can get to my 1 pm interview. So much for my day off. It is 9:32 right now.


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