Thursday, November 18, 2021

Cutting Carbon - Modest Proposals

This post I did not intend to write. These ideas I came up with back in 2010 while coming to my senses in the VOA halfway house. I wrote them up then; they may be lost. I went so far as to send to an Indiana politician essentially what will follow. No visible effect has been detected, so far. Facing loss of the internet next week, I decided to go ahead and publish my ideas. Then, too, there was Cop26.

I have not been able to research the Indiana Code to see what the law allows, but laws can be changed to meet the necessities of the times. More bothersome should be this proposal is made without knowing the financial circumstances of any particular community. 

There are three steps yo my ideas that interwoven together;

  1. Get as many solar panels or other alternative energy generators onto as many buildings as possible in any community and do so in a way that any excess energy goes back to the community's electrical utility. I suggest a deduction from property taxes in exchange for the excess energy. This will require a municipal electric provider, or, at least, a private-public partnership.
  2. Move from dumping human waste to using human waste to generate energy. Here I can do what I could not do before.  Googling "human waste methane fuel source" produces plenty of information, mostly showing this idea is neither new nor cutting edge. More specific explanations are here and here. Turning the cost of waste management into income generating energy production seems a no-brainer.
  3. Turn brownfields into solar or wind farms.
What I see as the result of all this a better environment and a rejuvenated local economy.


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