Wednesday, November 10, 2021

25 Years

 Yesterday was a bit of a mess. I woke tired and sore. I started out very slowly. The cleaning lady's knock finally got me moving.

I did make it to the Sheriff for my registration. I read s doctoral dissertation on Raintree County. I liked what I read, especially since it confirmed some of my own opinions, and may get a link here if I ever get back to a real computer.

That may be never. I got a call yesterday from my sex offender counselor. Since I was on my way to the bus station, I asked if she could email me the appointment information. She was shocked that I have internet access. She told me the counseling agreement I would be signing forbid me having internet access.  This I did not take well. This is where I may have to take a stand. K told me to stay calm and I am trying to do so.

I also spoke to KH. I think yhe poor fellow has heard just too much about the federal penal system. Following his advice, I am back to apartment hunting.

My hip felt better today. Still, I did not get downtown as planned last night. The shoes were still damp from last night's work. And I ate because I was very hungry. I look forward to getting my EBT card - I got that I worked out yesterday. 

I also did something I have not done in the past decade: research Indiana law. Not I have any plans to start practicing law again.  Even with the Zoloft that thought gives me too much anxiety. I have too deal with my dad's estate.

I still have not had a reply from my PO about overpaying for the monitoring of my now defunct laptop.

About all I did this afternoon was go to a job interview, get a burrito at Qdoba's, took a nap, finished my research, and started on this note. 

One more item from yesterday, on the way to work, hip bothering me, I got a call from the deputy on charge of the Delaware County sex registry. I have now  been classified. I will be registering for another 25 years. That is how much of a villain I am.


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