Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Well, It Was the Thirteenth

 I woke early this morning, having maybe 4 or 5 hours of sleep. I could not get back to sleep, some unremembered dream had my adrenaline running high. I  did some writing and some reading of articles online. I confirmed Linda T did die - thank you BSU Alumni Association. Having gotten the hired as a di, I had canceled the Pizza King interview. This left me with nothing to keep my head on straight really do today and I took a nap that I meant to be 2 hours long and turned out to be 4. 

I finished off my hummus. It is Wednesday. I cannot get to church, so I feel a need to keep the fasts. Another way to keep my head on straight. Every day lately feels formless and if it weren't for having writing to do this would be a very lonely time. Instead, I keep finding things missing and still not getting things done. I was really bothered by not being able to make any calls.

Thanks to KH  messages and calls started coming in. He told me to turn the phone off and back on. Duh. 

I got the payroll and other stuff to finish off my hire.

I have had one call back about an apartment, so I returned that call.

I returned a call about a job. I held off calling my first job offer. I will have to do that tomorrow.

Still no visit from a Delaware County Deputy or my probation officer.

Doesn't feel likely I'll find an apartment this week.

About 3:30 I decided I needed to get out. I caught the bus downtown. 

Downtown, I checked my bank account. I walked around. I made a couple of calls about apartments. I did a little walk around. I have already showed off the new courthouse. Here is what I used to think of as the old courthouse. To the north is what was for me was the new courthouse but which I probably should call the old new courthouse. Guess that makes this one the old old courthouse. Whatever I call 

it puts paid to the idea that lawyers should have their offices close to the courthouse. This area looked pretty desolate.

Except Muncie's Downtown looks pretty healthy with its restaurants and indoor gold and a couple of bars that look anything but seedy. I know I have seen the day when all of downtown Muncie looked and felt like a ghost town. I get the sense the place is healthier now than it was when I last visited on March 2, 2010. I feel good about moving up here.

I did get hit up for money for food money by some kid who said he was homeless. I should have taken him to eat but since I am essentially homeless I got out of a handout.

Unlike Indianapolis, I do not see people sleeping on the street. I do not see the mentally ill walking about without any apparent resources. Actually, the people here look mostly prosperous. Yes, I did see those who are too young to be toothless and close faded from being handed down from some thrift store. I am a half step from fitting into those descriptions, so I am trying to be factual and not judgmental. Druggies may be hidden away, but they are not overrunning the city as I hear is the case in Anderson. The guy wanting the handout looked .like neither the derelicts of Indiana nor even close to the crackheads I once knew,

This sign I found on Broadway, not downtown, but this was a surprise, an indicator of things I missed during my stay in federal custody such as the opioid crisis:

 With rain coming and my bus in the future and not having really eaten much today and spying a Thai restaurant downtown, I ditched the homeless guy for food,  Tuppee Tong Thai Restaurant is the name of the place and the food was excellent. I had a Vegetable Egg Roll and Pad Ki Maow with tofu and a Coke.

  caught the bus back to the motel. The Muncie bus system is a big reason I chose Muncie. I am happy to say it runs better - not a missing bus, so far - and is every bit as clean as the Indianapolis bus system. I do not foresee having the traumas I had with the Indianapolis bus system. I got back in time to miss a downpour. I checked email,charged the cell phone, went to get a bottle of Coke, and came back to start writing. All that while listening to Funkadelic.

Tomorrow I need to do my laundry, do more hunting for an apartment, and maybe see more of the city.  Bracken Library looms large in my mind.


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