Friday, October 22, 2021

Thursday, Yesterday

 Nothing much happened. I was to do laundry I came out of the room to a gloomy sky portending rain so I went down the road to get a bottle of Coke and went no further in the morning. I did some updating of the blog before taking a nap. I work around eleven and ate lunch and wrote some more. The sun had come out by then and I kind of kicked myself for not catching the bus to the laundromat.  I spent the afternoon listening to MSNBC and writing until I had to leave for work. Again, the sky was gloomy. I felt less guilty about not doing my laundry I forgot to check in with Mint about the telephone. I did get to check my bank balance. Work was six hours of movement and carrying. There is a part of me that would rather be reading and writing and nothing else till it is warm enough to go fishing. I walked back from work - no rain and the wind had died down. I am thinking the job might have been poorly chosen for winter. It takes 30 minutes to walk back. I showered, checked the email, I made plans for today (which are already a bit delayed) and went to bed.


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