Thursday, October 21, 2021

Orhan Pamuk Has a Website

 I found this on 7-25-2021 but did not have a good look until October 10, so I am not putting the date into the title.  I guess I can do that.

Orhan Pamuk is a writer I found in prison and there are other posts here regarding him. I think he is important for Americans to consider as our American Empire fades. On his website there are interviews   and reviews of his work - including Margaret Atwood's review of Pamuk's Snow.

He deserves to be better known in North America, and no doubt he will be, as his fictions turn on the conflict between the forces of ''Westernization'' and those of the Islamists. Although it's set in the 1990's and was begun before Sept. 11, ''Snow'' is eerily prescient, both in its analyses of fundamentalist attitudes and in the nature of the repression and rage and conspiracies and violence it depicts.


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