Friday, October 29, 2021

Life Under This Crazy Quarantine 1-4-2021

 My sister hung up on me. Yeah, the government is giving us free calls to make up for no visitation but still hanging up the phone annoys me. She is finally getting the idea the government will not give me any help when I leave here. She said she is the only one I can depend upon and I did not quibble on that in order to keep matter s somewhat civil. Still she hung up on me. She said she didn't understand a lot about our father's trust.  I knew she didn't understand a lot of things. I had a little sinus infection that had me on edge, feeling a little snippy, but I held my tongue from what was on my mind. I am not talking politics with her.

I had a call from the lawyer on my compassionate release case. Counselor Jones did not like how I was wearing my mask. so he rescheduled the call.

I have had plenty enough to rile me this week.

The writing group has been as bothered by my last two stories - a science fiction story and a noir crime story - as I am.  They were experiments. The science fiction needs to be longer, with more world-building; my listeners confirmed this. The other has problems with the length and POV. That I had a new opening for the first story a few hours after meeting with the group demonstrates how the group is a catalyst for my work. I haven't shown them "Chasing Ashes" since it is early days and I am a little diffident towards my concept. The group acts as group therapy and a shelter from the crazy dead life we are living within here at Fort Dix FCI.

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