Thursday, September 2, 2021

Archbishop Anastasio #5

[Continued from Archbishop Anastasio #4. sch 4/1/23.] 

What  Archbishop Anastasio wrote about racism and xenophobia I wrote about in #4 of this series. What I did not write was how his criticism I do not hear from American Christians. But then we Americans do think God is always on our side.

That is why no matter how "blessed is the nation, whose God is the Lord," nonetheless no nation can claim God as its property. Despite the degree of its religious conviction, no nation has exclusive rights to the boundless love of God. For a certain nation or group of nations to hold fast to the Christian faith does not imply any right to monopolize God or else to treat other nations as inferior... All nations, then, belong to the same humankind, which was made by the only Creator.


The Church has always had a global horizon, and those of us with a particular responsibility - whether directly or indirectly- in the Church are called to reinforce this truth in the conscience of every faithful member, and every nation. All that contributes understanding, communication, solidarity, and balanced coexistence among people and nations must be strengthened. 

In Albania: Cross and Resurrection (St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2016); p. 300

 And I put this here just because:

I pray that we may be consistent and honest, to practice what we preach, to live what we believe. It is not easy to love genuinely, to forgive sincerely. It is not easy to appreciate someone who is different and to embrace that persona s your bother or sister. In general, I do ntobeleive in an easy Christianity. Difficult things are worth pursuing.

p. 316



[Continued in Archbishop Anastasio #6. sch 4/1/23.]  

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