Friday, July 2, 2021

Why Honor History's Losers

 House Votes to Purge Confederate Statues From the Capitol -  why even debate the issue? I agree with Stenny Hoyer:

“We can’t change history, but we can certainly make it clear that which we honor and that which we do not honor,” said Representative Steny H. Hoyer, Democrat of Maryland and the majority leader, who helped write the bill. “Symbols of hate and division have no place in the halls of Congress.”

Jefferson Davis was a loser and  a traitor but that doesn't bother some:

Conservatives denounced the bill as an attempt to “whitewash” history or deprive states of their ability to choose which figures they want to see honored in the Capitol. Many of the Republican arguments against it on Tuesday, though, focused on complaints about the removal process Democrats had proposed, not their goal.

How can Republicans even countenance defending Roger Taney? They are not the party of Lincoln.

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