I've been in New Jersey for over ten years. The last time I saw an Indianapolis Star was at least six years ago. I haven't seen an Anderson Herald Bulletin in over eleven years or a Muncie Star Press in around ten. What I did hear about Anderson and Muncie was that they were turning into ghost towns and that the City of Anderson contemplated burying part of the city under a reservoir. That reservoir idea reassured me that bad ideas still found favor in Anderson.
I found the Mounds Mall online and found the change scary.
On the way to the Marion County jail yesterday (I need to in every week to reassure the good people of Marion County, Indiana I am not up to anything criminal), I saw a man either asleep or passed out on the sidewalk not a block from the City-County Building. I never expected to see that in Indianapolis.
Trying to catch up with the last 10 years in a couple of weeks has been exhausting. Exhausting in more than one way. But how else to have a transition back to the 'real world" if I do not try to understand what has changed?
And it is on my back to do so, the halfway house does not seem to consider anything but security and enforcing its rules.
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