Monday, June 21, 2021

Indiana Democrats

Well, the Indiana Democrats want to change their luck: Indiana Democrats set sights on 2022 elections at annual dinner.

 Hundreds of Indiana Democrats rallied online Thursday night as prominent party leaders renewed a commitment to rebuilding the party after a devastating series of losses in the 2020 statewide elections.

Among the speakers at the annual fundraising event were Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman Jaime Harrison and Kentucky governor Andy Beshear.

“The 2022 election doesn’t start next summer after the primaries; it starts today,” said Harrison at the fundraising dinner, which was held as a Zoom virtual webinar. He reminded Indiana Democrats that the party was not giving up on flipping the state blue. “There is no such thing as a ruby-red state. They’re just parts of the country that we can put more effort into,” he added.

The Democrats face an uphill battle in the 2022 election, after a Republican sweep in both the presidential and statewide elections last November confirmed the state’s status as a Republican stronghold.

Doesn't sound like much has changed in 11 years. Decades ago Indiana Democrats waited for someone to save them. Along came Evan Bayh who rescued the party until he walked away. I don't think Brother Evan is coming back. 

Some ideas for the Indiana Democrats: first, get Lake County to Switzerland County and vice versa; and secondly, and maybe more importantly, the party must stand for something. If the party members do really believe in what the party stands for, then why don't they just give up the ghost?

I cannot get away from thinking of fecklessness and haplessness when I hear the words Indiana Democrats.

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